Tectonica Digital
Triangular Mesh Beam Layout
credits: Arturo De La Fuente, Karen Antorveza, TaMaCo, CheLA.

“Tectonica Digital” is a practical investigation aimed to solve, through parametric design and digital fabrication, the construction of geometrically complex reticular structures. The central core of the experience was the production of an algorithm, which could generate automatically the CNC cut file of the pieces necessary to make the beam to beam connection for a given surface. The Grasshopper definition which was developed receive as an input a 3D mesh, and automatically transform it in the 3D model of a set of beams, linked one each other through custom-joints. Beams and joints are conceived to be fabricated respectively with timber, and laser cut metal sheet. One of the most significant problem that the project managed to deal with, was the production of torsion-free nodes. This result was achieved through correcting the beams torsion with a planarize tool in Kangaroo Physics.